Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Missing In Action


Its already the 2nd week of school and he's .... missing?

Don't tell me he got caught up with the flu in Hong Kong?

Eh, CHOI! Touch wood touch wood..

And on a totally different subject,


Written at 9:47 PM

Sunday, April 26, 2009




WOO HOO! Our division, Multidiscipline Engineering, won the Mass Dance competition. Told you, we can shake it! Haha. We beat 10 more schools for the coveted trophy, including school of Film Media Studies and Health Sciences which I think delievered two of the most stand-out performance. But well oh well, Mechanical Engineering and MDE was the top 2 finalist. And eventually, we won! Probably because we were the most organised, most passionate and most original in our dance moves.

This were the same dance moves my group, COLA, thought of back during Peer Mentoring Camp. It was such a long way back and honestly I didnt think we would win it. But now that MDE is the best among NP, I'm so happpyy siolllll! I'm so proud of Cola, the Pinata people and of course everyone in MDE. :))))


Hop Night was meant to be a dance party in the Convention Centre for the freshmen but who cares? Me and the rest of the Year 2 people just went. LOL. At first there were difficulties cause some of us didnt have tickets and yeah, our damn student card doesnt prove we're actually Year 1. But some of us knew the staffs there and a quick sweet talks gave us the entry. Yay!

But the DJ sucked. Some of the songs were played twice. But I had fun nevertheless. Jia Ming and Kai Yang even 'mopped' me. It's like they held me upside down like how they hold a mop, and they began 'mopping' the floor with my hair! LOLOL. Kay an an lor. I think that could be a new dance move. Step aside shufflers! HAHAH.

More pictures in fb. As usual. :)

Written at 8:48 PM

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Cola, very very sexy!

For this post, I'm going to say all the badwords I have learnt my entire life. Pardon me, but I can't stop from bottling my feelings any longer.

MDE Freshmen Camp was damn fucking kannina cibai pundek mairek sundal-ishly fun!

I mean seriously. I enjoyed it so much, I never felt I ever wanted to go home. Ah wth. I also have to get use to being away from home for days. Because I keep thinking about NS these days.. Eh, but that I can worry 2 more years. Today is all about camp!

I guess what made this the most enjoyable camp I ever attended was because I had to be the Student Leader and lead the Freshies around school.

The freshies were great too. They will always listen to my orders and stuffs. But of course, some freshies were the shy type and its hard to get along. But thats okay, because thats the challenge.

You see, being in camp plus having the role of leading your groups, you have to throw away your 'face' and just be yourself, release your inner 'animal'. And I never felt so much fun in my life before! FULLSTOP OKAY! I danced and danced around everytime like a TOTAL madman whose hair need serious cutting. I dont think I will anytime soon tho. =)

People have to be crazy, doing impromptu stuffs and on a 'high' to make the other people 'high'. Its something no one can comprehend how it works but its all psychology.

Anyway, I got to mingle around with the Year 1 too. So, thats a really REALLY good thing. And photos will again be in Facebook.

Written at 1:18 AM

Sunday, April 12, 2009



A friend : Zal, how long have you been single huh?
Me : Quite long.. Why leh?
A friend : Oh. Then have you tried like asking girls..
Me : Um, well..
A friend : You want to know why girls dont want you anot?
Me : Why leh?
A friend : Because ... girls are not quite into LESBIAN relationship my friend. HAHAHA.

*everyone laughs*

Me : Very funny. Har de har har.

Written at 12:36 AM

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Trial Camp Pictures
Ah, I finally have pictures to brighten this blog up. Here they are. (some are explicit tho).

We were required to form the longest line we can with everything on our body. So the guys had no choice but to strip down to nothing but only their boxers. And the concrete is too damn bloody cold OKAY!

Can you see how the dark-skinned guy stands out from the Chineses?!
That's the telematch pictures. We came in 2nd in the 4 group game. Machiam going thru NS siol that pictures.

I brought the wrong shorts to the camp. That is really a short shorts! Machiam bapok.

All of the groups were blindfolded and had to find each other thru the sound of an animal. We were COWS on that day. SO yeah.. This was a good game to me. The freshies are sure gonna love it.

More pictures on Facebook. Why? Because friendster is no good.


Written at 4:04 PM

Friday, April 3, 2009


Hello. Im a retard.

Its tough being a Student Leader.

Most of my holidays are burnt up, with camps, games, commitments ... argh!
Its just not me you know..

So today (technically, it's yesterday, whichever way u see it), I spent pratically 3/4 of the day in school, painting and making flags. Flags that symbolises my group name Cola ( dont ask why, its a boring long story).

I guess what Mr Mohammed taught me back then in secondary school days for art was pretty much useful. Toning, shading, yeah whatever.

Oh. You know what? I realised I can't remember the LAST time I actually said something in Malay. I've been spending too much time with the Chinese these days and in fact, I've been learning pretty interesting Hokkien and Chinese words (not expletives, because that I already learned). And being the ONLY Malay in the entire body of 60 students, I sometimes get picked-on or joke about. But that's okay tho.

I just want my bloody CCA points. :)



guai guai = jalan jalan = walk walk

Sentence : Lets guai guai around Clementi lor, since we still got alot of time to spare.

Written at 12:04 AM